The ultimate long-term objective of there assignment is to reduce fatalities and serious injuries caused by road crashes in Ukraine. The specific objective is the implementation of Strategic Risk Assessment across the strategic road network (based on iRAP analysis) and production of detailed road safety analysis reports including identification of mitigation measures and investment plans across all identified high risk segments.
Strategic Risk Assessment will primarily focus on motorways. The total length of the network to be covered by the iRAP assessment is almost 5,000 km.
Besides risk assessment, the assignment also includes other important tasks. In particular, the road crash data collection and analysis system used by Ukravtodor shall be improved. Recommendations will therefore be made so that the system is aligned with international standards and can be used to identify black spots in the road network.
FRED will also provide support to Ukravtodor in establishing a Road Safety Department to act as lead agency in the country and to implement the road safety strategy.
Technical assistance is complemented by stakeholder engagement activities and training for key stakeholders. The FRED team, in particular, will train some 20 local engineers in iRAP protocols and support them in the process of being accredited as iRAP suppliers.