We provide integrated and ad-hoc sustainable solutions that help to improve safety in road infrastructure and to enhance users' mobility


We develop safe, inclusive and resilient transport infrastructure solutions, with a special focus on designing road safety to save lives and reduce the risk of road traffic crashes.






Road safety audits and inspections        
Road safety education       pill  
Awareness campaigns       pill  
Training and capacity building pill pill pill pill pill
Road infrastructure feasibility and design   pill      
Crash database development pill        
Road safety manuals and guidelines pill pill pill pill pill
Analysis of high-collision locations   pill      
Network wide road safety assessment   pill      
Road safety risk assessment   pill   pill  
Road safety plans pill        
Review of road safety management capabilities pill        
Solutions for vulnerable road users   pill pill pill pill
Software development pill pill      
Research & Development pill pill pill pill pill

Mobility & Safety

Road safety management
Safer roads and mobility
Safer road users
Safer vehicles
Post-crash care

Mobility & Climate Change

Climate resilient road infrastructures
Environmental impact
Road asset management

Mobility & Social Inclusion

Transport infrastructures adapted to vulnerable users
Gender equality in transport
Accessibility for all
Security in transport

For those services

we can do for you

Data analysis and inventory
Road surveys
Road safety assessments
Risk and vulnerability assessments
Road design and construction supervision
Technical audits




we can do for you

Capacity reviews
Road safety data reviews
Economic assessments
Policies, strategies and action plans
Manuals and guidelines
Procurement support




we can do for you

Flood hazard and risk modelling
Road safety software and tools
Asset management systems



we can do for you

Behavioural assessments
Awareness and communication campaigns
Education materials


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Data analysis and inventory
We provide analyses by examining data and highlighting emerging patterns, possible key problem areas and recurring issues that are instrumental to strategic and action plans.

Road surveys
We provide detailed road surveys and site inspections, with a focus on road safety and on infrastructure characteristics.

Road safety assessments
We carry out road safety audits throughout the entire life cycle of road infrastructure, both at project level and on existing roads. Our audits proactively identify potential problems that may lead to crashes and provide recommendations on how to make roads safer.

Risk and vulnerability assessments
We carry out strategic risk assessments on roads and related infrastructure, highlighting possible vulnerability to a range of events, including those related to climate change.

Road design and construction supervision
Our commitment to safer and more forgiving roads is expressed in designing and supervising infrastructure by applying state-of-the-art methodologies and technologies and considering the needs of all users, including the most vulnerable.

Technical audits
We offer technical audit services to assess the effectiveness of resource use and enhance the quality of road infrastructure construction work.

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Capacity reviews
We perform analytical country and, together with stakeholders, identify and assess the institutional management capacity to respond to strategic needs, particularly in the field of road safety.

Road safety data reviews
We provide technical support by improving and optimising the road safety data management process. We do so through technical and process assessments of systems for data collection, management and analysis, and provide recommendations for effective systems, tailored to the customer’s needs and adapted to the context.

Economic assessments
We provide economic assessments of investments with a specific focus on road infrastructure. Specifically, we are able to assess the costs and benefits of any intervention such as those aimed at reducing road fatalities and injuries or enhancing the resilience of infrastructure to climate change.

Policies, strategies and action plans
We develop plans and strategies at national or local level, to support medium- to long-term policies of governments and local agencies in the field of sustainable and inclusive mobility.

Manuals and guidelines
We review, draft and update supporting tools for technical practitioners, both in the public and in the private sectors, such as manuals, toolkits and guidelines on the topics of safe road and roadside design, resilience of road infrastructure to climate change, etc.

TrainingWe provide a vast array of training courses, with a focus on all domains related to road safety, i.e. road safety institutional management, road safety engineering, road safety audits, vehicle safety, post-crash care, etc.. Training is provided both in-presence and online and can include a variety of practical activities both in the classroom and on the road.

Procurement support
We provide support during the tendering and bid evaluation process, as well as during contract finalization and contract management planning. We prepare ToRs, technical specifications and tender documents.

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Flood hazard and risk modelling
We provide climate vulnerability assessments, hydrological modelling and flooding risk assessments.

Road safety software and tools
We develop and market ADaMS® (Accident Data Management System), a web-based information system for collection, management and analysis of road traffic crash data, designed to support the activities of agencies involved in data collection and treatment. We can also develop ad-hoc software for our clients.

Asset management systems
We provide support and assistance in improving transport policy planning and in the development of road asset management systems.

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Behavioural assessments
We conduct research and surveys on user behaviour to identify key road safety risk factors. We carry out on-site behavioural observation campaigns possibly combined with focus groups and/or consultations to identify recurring patterns.

Awareness and communication campaigns
We design and implement road safety campaigns based on evidence-based investigations aimed at identifying the most recurrent risk factors. Campaigns can be either targeted, i.e., aimed at specific user groups (e.g., school children), or general, i.e., intended for the general public to raise awareness about, for example, virtuous behaviour.

Education materials
We design and produce the materials to support educational or awareness campaigns. These may include flyers, posters, billboards, booklets, gadgets (wristbands, stickers, pens, etc.), and audio-visual materials (videos, jingles, etc.). Campaigns can be complemented by specific social media activities

Via Treviso, 31
00161 – Rome
Tel: +39 06 86219483

Rambla Alfareros, 12 – 3º
04003 – Almería
Tel: +34 950655354

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