Our commitment to impact is anchored in research and innovation


FRED Engineering branded new information systems for road safety management support


A web application for road traffic crash data collection, storage and analysis. It allows to manage both national and local road traffic crash databases.

What is ADaMS®

ADaMS® is a web-based information system for collection, management and analysis of road traffic crash data. It supports activities of entities involved in data collection and treatment, namely:
• National road safety centres.
• Ministries in charge of road safety and road infrastructures.
• Local authorities.
• Police forces.
• Health services (e.g. hospitals, emergency services, …).

The final objective of ADaMS® is

supporting these entities in taking road safety actions based on empirical evidence, science and technology. ADaMS® is a fully web-based software capable of managing a large number of road traffic crashes and of analysing them through GIS formats. Being interfaceable with GPS, it allows for the exact location of road traffic crashes on map.

ADaMS®, designed to guarantee

complex and stringent IT and security standards, so that sensitive data stored into a central database are fully protected. Advanced backup functions eliminate the risk of potential loss of data. ADaMS® provides advanced features for road traffic crash data collection, storage, manage- ment, analysis and reporting. Its modules are very intuitive and supports all normal activities of usual road safety stakeholders.

Assistant for Safety Inspections and Audits

A software allowing to perform road safety audits and inspections. It helps identifying road safety issues, selecting recommendations and creating reports.

Automatic Road Risk Assessment

A software to perform low-cost road safety assessments of road networks through automatic analysis of road infrastructure video images. It is the fastest solution to assess road traffic crash risks due to road infrastructure characteristics.

Via Treviso, 31
00161 – Rome
Tel: +39 06 86219483

Rambla Alfareros, 12 – 3º
04003 – Almería
Tel: +34 950655354

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