FRED Engineering awarded a project to improve pedestrian safety in Mongolia

FRED Engineering has been awarded a project funded by the ADB focused on improving road safety on ger areas in Ulaanbaatar

FRED Engineering has just signed a contract with the Municipality of Ulaanbaatar for a consultancy service to improve road and pedestrian safety in ger areas. The project is funded by the Asian Development Bank.

The ger areas are characterized by low-density, low- and medium-income households. Many plots cannot be reached by municipal services; most roads are unpaved, and infrastructure is poor or nonexistent. Even where there are paved roads in the ger districts, road safety elements such as signs, signals, speed bumps, pedestrian crossings, and footpaths are rarely provided, resulting in unsafe or difficult journeys for residents. This severely limits access to transportation and the mobility of residents in the ger areas, exacerbating poverty and inequality.

To illustrate measures to improve transport services in ger areas, a demonstration corridor has been selected in Chingeltei district. The selected corridor is 5.1 km along Chingeltei street.

The objective of the assignment is to take a comprehensive approach to road safety improvement in the project corridor, providing capacity building, training and advisory services to improve safety for both the road user and the project road corridor. This requires a system thinking approach which considers all elements of the pedestrian and road safety system, including the consideration of needs and interventions for different road users, police, policies, infrastructure and education.

The activities include: (i) infrastructure advisory, design audit, and capacity strengthening related to designing safer roads for all road users; (ii) strengthening of road safety policing enforcement and capacity; (iii) campaigns aimed to road safety user behavior change; (iv) road safety education campaign.

This is already the second project FRED has implemented in Mongolia, confirming its leadership in the region on road safety topics.


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