New iRAP project added to FRED’s portfolio

The project, financed by the World Bank, covers 450 km of roads in the state of Maharashtra, India
The FRED team has just kicked off a new iRAP project. This time it is the evaluation of 450 km of roads in the Maharashtra state, in India. The project is supported by the World Bank’s Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) and is funded under the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS).
The main objective of this assignment is preparation of safety risk assessment studies and their dissemination to inform the World Bank team and the Government of Maharashtra state on safety engineering measures that could save lives on selected roads in and around the city of Nashik, utilizing the iRAP Star Rating and Safer Roads Investment Plan methodologyThe assistance will be delivered through a series of technical reports comprising of iRAP baseline assessments for selected roads and related dissemination activities.
This project follows a series of similar assignments and confirms FRED as one of the most active and reputable iRAP suppliers. Indeed, almost 12,000 km of roads have now been assessed by the FRED team according to the iRAP methodology.
This is the first project in India, a large country considered strategic in the company’s medium-term development plans.



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